Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Diamond Saga Goes On......

My jewelry enthusiast readers…
Sorry for the big gap…. Caught up in my routine as usual… so today am back offering you more on Graff diamond jewelries. Jewelry lovers everywhere have yet another exceptional piece of diamond jewelry to ogle and herald! They say ‘diamonds are the best friend of women.’ I wonder how and why can’t even men be friends with this wonderful blue diamond?! I feel any one who look at it will fall in love deeply.

Diamond in blue color is just a fantasy…and poetic imagination. The magnetic beauty of this diamond is unparalleled. A 35.52 carat beautiful diamond was sold by Christie’s auction house in 2008. It seems this diamond was originally found in India. In 1664, King Philip iv of Spain gave this diamond to his daughter as a dowry.

Her name was Margarita Teresa. This same diamond was bought by the diamond king Laurence Graff for$ 24.3million. Graff then gave it a look of finesse. Cleaned to improve the cracks occurred by the time. This magnanimous diamond came passing through innumerable hands. In the meantime, the carat reduced from 35.52-31.06 carats! Now this mesmerizing blue diamond is in the museum under very strict vigilance! It is at the Smithsonian museum for display! I am waiting to see it!

Cheers readers bye

 Author-Geeta Rao

1 comment:

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